Raegan is now 11 lbs 4 oz and Brayden is 12 lbs 9 oz. They just turned 3 months old and are growing by the day. Poor Brayden has been miserable the last day or two due to cutting a tooth. I just bought orajel for the first time, I never had to do anything for Kloe because remarkably enough she never had any problems with pain during teething...not that she showed anyways.
Kloe is saying new words all the time and is quite a ham. She LOVES getting a new "oh-wee" (balloon). I still can't get her to call me Momma, but its a work in progress. LOL
I am doing great and so glad to have lost all the baby weight and to be back in my pre-pregnancy clothes!!! I have felt really good since the mono flare up after the babies were born. I haven't had any fibromyalgia issues at all, for which I am very thankful.
Here are some recent pictures...enjoy!
Brayden - pardon the purple bumbo, it was Kloe's.
Kloe wearing Daddy's shoes.
Raegan sitting with baby Tad watching Blues Clues.

Glad the kids are doing well. Glad that it wasn't pertussis. Make sure you get the vax too. Scary when they are so little and so sick.
Glad your mono is on the back shelf too. I think your little boy is adorable in the purple bumpo. Who cares about colors as long as it does the trick!
When my little girl started to move around alot I took a pair of her brothers Oshkosh overalls, sewed some lace across the bib and they were perfect. Wore well and she could crawl all over the place.
Thanks for the update!
Thanks for the update. The pictures are beautiful and your kids are obviously huge blessings! I shy away from unsolicited advice as a rule, but this is REALLY important: please, please, please, please, please, please get Kloe's hearing checked. My sister has a severe hearing loss, and the first symptom was being a bit speech-delayed. At over a year, she really should be able to say Mama and quite a few other words properly. If she is hearing-impaired, the earlier the intervention, the more likely she develops her language skills to the fullest. These early years are crucial and irreplaceable.
I'm so glad everyone is feeling some better there. I know it must have been so tough for you seeing your babies so sick.
Sweet pics of them too! :)
your family is absolutely beautiful... you are so blessed...happy that all is well now and you are doing good...mom's are great to have around when the little ones are sick aren't they!!!
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