Friday, March 10, 2006

2 Little Blessings.

This is Bro. Tim and Mrs. Crystal Ellison, he is our song leader and youth leader. I will explain about the girls in a minute.
The Ellison's have been praying for a baby for eight years, but due to health conditions they could not have a child. Last year they signed up for the Foster to Adopt program. They showed up at our house yesterday with these 2 little girls. Savannah and Casidy ages 3 and 3 days. They are precious little girls, we already love them to death!!
Pray that everything works out for them and that they would get to keep these precious girls. It is not certain that they will get to keep them, but if it is God's will all will work out. Pray for the Ellison's!!


Jessica said...

They are soooo cute!!! :)

Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

That is sooo sweet! I'll be praying that they'll get to keep them!
Keep us updated on them!