Total Without Coupons = $150.05
Total With Coupons = $43.88
Total Day's Savings = $106.85
Total Percentage Saved = 71%
I was super excited when I totaled out my complete days saving from 6 different stores! I went to Walmart (rare occasion for coupon shopping), Food Lion, Kroger, Publix, Rite Aid and CVS. The best deals of the day were...
- 8 Oral B Advantage Deep Clean Toothbrushes - FREE (only paid tax of $0.89)
- 5 Old Spice Odor Blocking Body Wash - FREE (Buy One Get One sale)

Wonderful savings, Kristina. Good for you!!
You really did well on that shopping trip. I check the coupons every week and see if it's what I need. Too bad they don't have coupons for meat.
But I did score a good deal at our Ralphs (Kroger family) for father's day. They had lobster tails for 6.88 each and filet for 6.99/lb. I got enough for the 4 of us plus my mom and niece. We had a feast. It was one of their 8 hour sales. Got a nice tritip that way too. I just have to check their ads every Wednesday to see if there's something we like.
Congrats on your anniversary. Time sure does fly.
Great job girl!!! And that itiaian ice is great!! Our store didn't have any last week, so I got a rain check, and got them today. :)
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