I went to the Dr. today to see the specialist and they did the in-depth ultrasound and everything came back great and that we are going to have a precious little GIRL! We really wanted a boy, but we are thrilled to pieces to be expecting our little girl!! We've already been shopping for little girl clothes as have the grandparents...everyone is SO excited!!!

Congratulations. Best wishes for you and hubby. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is without any concern.
Yeah!! A girl, everyone's having boys. Yeah!! Congrats!!
Kristina, I was thinking of you several times yesterday - I am so thankful that the ultrasound came out OK! Congratulations - I'm so happy you're having a little GIRL!!!
Congratulations!!!!!!! Little girls are sweet as are little boys :)
Congratulation!!! I think little girls are special...
Congratulations! I recently had a girl after having two boys, and let me tell you, I didn't know what fun I was missing in the way of dresses and hairbows! I'm so happy that all the testing came back well for you!!! Many blessings!
Congratulations!!!! :) So glad that everything is going well!
Many, many congratulations to the two of you! What wonderful news, it has really cheered my day to hear that everything is well and she is healthy, thank the Lord!
I love the name--Kloe Nikkole! I looked it up and Kloe means blooming and Nikkole means victorious--how appropriate here, a victorious blooming of God's love. Did you and J have a hard time picking it out? Is any of it family or did you just like the sound?
(Don't give a thought that she's not a boy, girls have a special place in their Daddys' hearts--my brother was a bit disappointed when his first child turned out to be a girl and now she is his everything. He and my sister-in-law had a boy two years later--you've got plenty of time to have a Joshua Jr.)
Again, many, many congratulations!
Wow. Congratulations. I've been following your blog for a while but never commented. All the best in your pregnancy. I'm assuming you picked the K theme because of your name?
Congratulations! :)
And a CUTE little girl too!!! Can't wait to meet my new niece!! I know Candyce will love her too. :)
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