Friday, February 01, 2008

Wow..what a week...and it's not over yet!!!

I have had one of the busiest weeks in my life this past week...and as I said in my title, it's not over yet. I guess I could give you a rundown on what has happened this past here it goes!

Monday was a day that we did get to relax a bit and get over Saturday's business of the wedding. But come Tuesday, things got rather difficult. It's been my sister Michelle, my mom has explained it if you go there you will be able to read what has been going on there.

Last night we went to a singing at Harvest Baptist (that is where we will be going when we go into missions) to hear the Inspirations! It was so fun! I thoroughly enjoyed it! Bro. Arthur of course got so excited that he got the microphone and started to preach somewhat!!

Tonight we have my cousin's birthday party to go to at Chuck. E. Cheese...that is going to be FUN!! :o)

And finally tomorrow we have Ronnie's birthday get-together, his birthday is big brother is going to be 22!!! WOW!

So...that is what has been going on for me. I will not be doing the Friday's Who Said What because I have not had the time to look for one. So I will do it next week. Hope everyone had a good week!!!

1 comment:

Dave said...

Sorry to heard that about your sister. Do you know that dates for Faith Baptist Campmeetings? I not sure if i will be able to go to Faith Baptist Camp this year. I like to has the dates.
