I had to change the options for my comments. I have been getting some really nasty comments that contain both very vulgar language and accusations. I don't need the stress of those comments any more.
Without going into too much detail, I do want to explain what was said so it will be better understood as to why I am no longer allowing anonymous comments.
One comment began telling me how I must have stepped out on Josh because I had "the kissing disease" and he didn't. Let me explain that one right now...I had mono when I was 13 or 14, and I am almost 100% sure that I got it from a public drinking fountain, and for the simple fact that I had it then meant I still have it, it just flares up from time to time. That is why Josh didn't have it. There were several names in with that comment that I won't repeat, they were very vulgar and the whole comment was filled with profanity.
The other comment that I received just this morning was telling me that they hope I die in child birth, and that the baby dies as well.
I just can't take these very abusive comments anymore. I'm for those that commented under anonymous and were nice and respectable, but due to what I am dealing with, I have no other choice. I'm truly sorry!
Please pray for me and Josh as we deal with this.