Wednesday, May 04, 2005


I am really sorry that I did not get anything on here yesterday. Our computer stopped working for a little while. Last nights service was really good. We had alot of visitors. We are counting on tonights being just as good or better!!!!! What is your favorite food and why? Mine would have to be.......PINEAPPLE PIZZA!!! It is really good. But I will only eat it from Pizza Hut. Their pizzas are the greatest to begin with. Please continue to pray for us!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I guess mine would have to be wings and pizza (1/2 Hawaiian/1/2 Beef,cheddar and jalapeno). I could eat some right now it sounds so good.

Courtney, Jer.33:3 said...

I like spicy foods such as Mexican and Italian (sp?) foods with a ton of red pepper flakes and garlic powder on top of them. :) :)