Me sitting at Arbys waiting on the food and having no idea what it about to happen!

Still waiting...still no clue!

Smiling...waiting...still no idea!

Enjoying our food. At this point Josh got up and went out to the car to get "his mom's jacket" and when he returned he had a dozen roses and a card.

Opening the card...

Reading the very sweet card. When I got to the end of the card and read the last statement which was "BTW, I have a question that I need to ask you, but I can't ask in this card"...and this is what I saw next.....

...my Sweetheart down on one knee asking me to marry him!!!

Me talking about how shocked and surprised I was.

Daddy putting the engagement ring on my finger.

My BEAUTIFUL ring!!!

All I could do after that was just sit there and smile at my handsome Fiance!

Me telling how unexpected and surprised I was...can't ya tell?

Me and my FIANCE!

Isn't he handsome?!?!?!

Me calling and telling...I'M ENGAGED!!!
I'm sorry some of the pictures were blurry, but I believe we got some pretty good ones!!! We haven't set a date yet, I will post it as soon as we do. We are working on getting a house, our offer got accepted but the contract has yet to be put in. We have already had an inspector come and look at the house and there are some repairs that need to be done. Please help us pray about that! We are both so excited to see what the Lord is going to do for us in the future! God sure has been, still is and forever will be GOOD!!!!
You both look so happy! Congratulations!! Your ring is very nice by the way.
How sweet! Loved the pics!
Great news about the engagement!
Very Sweet!!
Beach Girl
Congratulations and much, much happiness in your future together!
Congratulations on your engagement. I hope you both have many happy and Blessed years together.
WOW!!!!!!!!! Make sure I get an invitation!!! Keep us updated with the wedding plans!! If you have a spring or summer wedding, make sure you have LIMEGREEN in there somewhere!!! :)-
Congratulations! Glad to see that you are not wasting any time. When God is in something, you don't have to wait years before you decide if its God's will or not. I'll bet your folks are happy-sad.
God bless, and keep us posted!
Congratulations, Kristina!! Just don't have the wedding on August 22 because we have another wedding that day. I am so happy for you!! Call me and tell me all about it.
Ahhhhhhh! I was just getting ready to go to bed and thought I'd pop over to see if you had posted anything since the last time I was here. YAY!!!!!! I'm so excited!!!!!! But not near as much as you, right?
Congratulations to both of you. Thank you for sharing your happy moment!
Love ya,
you got engaged at Arby's? wow.. interesting! congrats!
I just HAD to laugh when I read this caption.... "All I could do after that was just sit there and smile at my handsome Fiance!" LOL!!! And you used to laugh and me and your brother for staring & smiling at eachother. :)
congratulations!!!!!!! that is so great! I'm so happy for you two!
Jess :)
Congratulations! You must be so happy! And your ring is gorgeous!
Nice, how did the two of you meet?
How proud you must be to have been proposed to at your favorite restaurant.
Yeah, I guess you could say that I'm proud. Arby's is a special place for us, Josh proposed at the exact restaurant that we had our first conversation at. I'm very proud of it in fact...the man that I love proposed to me that night!! :o)
fyi, there is no way your knees are 6 inches apart sitting at that table.
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