Monday, May 02, 2005
I would like to know what the most memorable revival you have ever been in. The most memorable memory that I have of revival was last year. Bro. Darrell Hayes was doing a series on Revival. He had only been preaching for about 10 minutes when a man from the congregation started shouting and having a good time in the Lord. Before you knew it everyone was bawling and shouting! This was at our home church. It was AMAZING!! I thank God that he works in hearts of man. Just think of where we would be today if he had not worked in our hearts about salvation. This July I will be saved 11 years this year!! July 11th 1994! People say that they do not believe that a 5 year old kid can get it, but you know something....I DID!! There is no doubt about it.
The revial our church had this past Nov. was very good. I can still remember a few of the messages he preached. The Tues. night was about Hell, one night was about how Jesus helps us carry our crosses and i think Fri. night was about seeing God's blessings in our lives.